I worked part-time job till February. I worked
at Joyful. Joyful is many popular restaurants in Kyusyu. When I high school’
student, I often prepare for an examination at Joyful with my friends. This
place is so comfortable.
So I started part-time job at last years.
When I working for the fast time. At the
very beginning of the part-time job, I understood busyness of part-time job. I
often get angry. The reason is I’m so slow‐witted and dull. My job is cooked dish on the kitchen. I can’t cook fast
and learn by heart kind of menu far from easy. Still more this family restaurant’s
menu is often modifying. It’s so hard. My most hard menu is not later than and
fried food. When came this order, I’m so nervous. Why I nervous and hard, the
reason I’m pressed for time. This restaurant rule is, we should be finish for
cook and send not later than ten minutes. Cooking method of noodles served hot
in a pot has lot of the progress of work. First to heat in a water-bat for the noodle.
Next warm up cutting tofu and a cabbage at a microwave oven. Last put something
in those at pod.
Fried food is not too hard. But I have
burnt my hand often times. And, this oil’s smell is be infected for me. It’s
very give out a bad smell and stick to from head to foot.
Most easy work was grill the meet. The store’s
meet is beef or a hamburg steak or chicken only. It’s so easy. I liked this
work. Other my favorite work was cooking salad. I liked making Tofu salad. I’m
very fun the scoop up or take up with a spoon of Tofu.
My opinion in the long run make money is so
hard. For this reasom money is so important.
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