Today I watched MIB3. This movie series is my
favorite. This movie made by 2012. This series best new version.
This times story is J back to the past world. This world age is 1960’s
world. This movie’s first scene is moon. This place is prison at the moon. One
lady come with cake. According to her, she want to meet termer. The man’s looks
grotesque. In my opinion this lady and prison’s termer’s man were couple. But
this opinion was not true. This men was turned the women. The women was firing
the Galaxy. The lady was little poor.
The man’s name is Boils. He taked her arm by K. Boils hate K. He want to
kill K. So one day K called J. After moment J was nauseous.
Next morning he visit K’s room. But K was nothing here. J talking one
mother and this women’s child. J said “Please this chocolate milk.” So J was
drinking cup of chocolate milk. The girl said “Mom, that men is misconduct with,
in spite of adult.” This scene was so funny scene.
MIB’s office J asked all officer, “Where is K?” But all officer were said “Who
is K? I don’t know.” J ordered chocolate milk.
talk with O. O said “K was died since 40 years ago.” J was so surprising. When
J was drinking chocolate milk, O said “You want chocolate milk. This thing have
two reason.”
First reason is I’m forget. Sorry. Two
reason is J does time leap.
this mean is K was killed by Boils. Boils changed the past world and history.
So J was went to past world.
order back to the past world’s machine, one men. He said “You should be high.” J
was so amazed. But according the man, “its true thing. You should go to high
place.” J and the man went to go to the top of building. J should operation
this machine and jumping at this very tall building. If I his footing, I will
die, because shocking of jumping at the tall place. I won’t to this thing.
J with determination, and he jumping at the building. He falling all age. So he
arrive to the 1960’s world. He staying front of the hotel. He asked one men at
elevator. J asked “what day is it now?” “What month is it now?” “What years is
it now” The man asked “Now is 1946.”
worsted hotel’s car. The customer was so angry. I think this customer was
little poor. J was going to amusement park. But on the way, two police stopped
J. But J take there’s memories at for example’s stick.
J looking for Boils. He was run away. But J want to shoot him. So next moment
one man said “You shouldn’t shooting him.” This man is young K. J was so with
great joy. But K was so cool. J was little poor.
was wake up. Its place was 1964’s MIB. All officers’ style looks like modern.
Especially women’s style was so girly. But young O was so cute. But in my
opinion I like than now O. Now age’s O was so unique and funny.
and J were went to go to party place. Then K and J meets Griffin. He is alien
too. He lives at the five dimension. He was so an odd furrow. But he was good
person. I like him.
This night K and J was went to a baseball ground. Griffin was watch a
baseball games at five dimension. But, next moment Griffin was taken by Boils.
J and K was chase Boils and Griffin. Then they ride likes high technology’s
bicycle. It’s so funny. But Boils was crash with front of track. Griffin said
“thanks.” Griffin gave ark net for J and K. Griffin hided ark net at him head.
Next morning they went to Apollo’s rocket. But on the way armies stopped
three people. They doubted suspicious person. Then Griffin said “If you tell
true things for them, you can success.” So J said true things. So they were
caught by armies.
They take somebody to this army’s captain. Then Griffin approached and
touched him. So this captain was understand some things. So J and K able to went to top of rocket. Griffin
said “We are farewell here.” J said “We able to meet again?” Griffin said “All
things are possible.”
J and K raising at top of rocket. K fighting young boils. J fighting with now’s
Boils. J was shouted by Boils. But he back to the past one more time. So next J
was not shouted by Boils. So J won by Boils.
was shouted young Boils. So K able to set up to ark net at top of rocket. J was
came back now world. So J meet K at café. The next door staid Griffin. Griffin
said “If K is not forget pay chip, this planet’s the rise of the new age
earth.” Then big meteorite coming near the earth. But next moment K was comes
back. He say “I just about to forget chip.” K was pay chip. Then big meteorite
was crashed.